Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Everyday we should try to replay the "game film" of our day in our minds. I am increasingly working to improve upon this. Sometimes that my lead us to putting pen to paper or just getting lost (a good lost) in our thoughts. One of my former teachers reached out to me that let me know that one of the ESY students, who I'll refer to as John (a pseudonym) for the sake of this post. John is a 7th grade student with severe disabilities, and is basically nonverbal, with the exception of the words, yes, no, and PHILLIPS. I had to say bye to him on my last day with the district. However, due to his disability, he wasn't able to comprehend my transition.

John is a student that my family is very much aware and know about due to me talking about him all the time. My daughters always ask me about him. I made it a priority to visit John and all the other students in special programs on a daily basis. My oldest daughter had to come to school with me one morning before her doctor's appointment, and she got a chance to meet John. She witnessed my interactions with him and his one-on-one when he came knocking on my office door and yelling in his normal tone, "PHILLIPS."

On our way to the doctor's appointment, my daughter talked in length about my positive interactions with John and how he only knows how to say my name, or chooses, throughout the whole building of educators. She expressed that she wished the adults in her elementary school treated ALL students like I had shown John. We discussed in detail about how all kids deserve that type of treatment, regardless of anything that may make them different. She agreed that differences make kids the unique individuals that they are.

All students need to feel a sense of community in a school, no matter what. This call from the teacher made my day because it proved at least some evidence of making an impact. Everyday, we must strive to make an impact that makes students want to see us, be around us, learn from us, and enjoy us.

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