Monday, July 30, 2018

Reflections on Fatherhood

First and foremost, due to challenges this weekend, my Sat. blog post was handwritten, but was unable to log on to get it in electronic format. So, here it goes.

As I stare at my 3 kids everyday, I always reflect on how I think I'm doing as a dad. I've come to realize that there is not a manual for parenting.... AT ALL. I'd never buy one of those "better parenting" type books as long as my conscious and love for humanity exists in my inner being. All kids are different so this whole process of "parenting" is trial and error. I hang my hat on 2 specific self reflection questions, which are:

  1. Am I actively listening to my kids' concerns, passions, interests, etc.?
  2. Am I fully supporting my kids in all their endeavors, great and small?
Some days I feel as though I fall short in both of the above areas, but the goal is to improve upon yesterday's interactions/relationships with them. As they get older, their interests change, and I must do what I can do to support them. We know that the interests and passions of kids can lead them to their calling or destiny in life.

Another component to this is working with my wife in order to be the best father I can be. As fathers, we can't even put into words or fully grasp the bond that exists between a child and mother. I have grown to love our conversations with in reference to our daughters and son because I learn even more about my kids. The conversations held with mom can and will differ from those held with dad. That "mommy" insight helps tremendously. 

I have had outstanding men in my life, especially those I worship with weekly, that I have observed and "stole" things from to improve myself in being the family man that I was called to be.

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