My feelings about this holiday season over the years have evolved into more and more reflection time around what really matters in my life. As a black man in America, I don’t get into the logistics over the history of the holiday that I've educated myself on because this is a PERSONAL time of reflection, gratitude towards my family and friends, and of appreciating my blessings. This year, especially, there are 2 words that ring loud and clear in my inner being as I reflect, and those are Thanksgiving and Sacrifice.
As one who holds leadership roles in education and at my church, I take those roles very seriously. I’m thankful to be blessed to operate in both roles, and it requires sacrifice. The very act of being thankful for your blessings should propel one to look beyond the blessings and say to oneself, “How can I sacrifice in order to pass the blessings that I have been bestowed upon me to someone else?” This is where it gets personal for me. The blessing that I have worked diligently to pass on is safety. As a school leader during this pandemic, parents are entrusting me to ensure a maximum level of safety for their kids. In turn, my wife and my own kids at home have an extremely high expectation that as a husband and father, I will live my life everyday during this pandemic in a manner that does not expose them.
The confidence that my family and the families I serve put in me LEADS ME to sacrifice everyday that I wake up, and I do offer that sacrifice with a smile on my face and joy in my heart. Will I miss seeing family and friends for Thanksgiving? I certainly will. Do I miss watching my kids participate in soccer, basketball, and field hockey during the fall and winter months? I miss it to a level that you wouldn’t believe. However, I know that my level of thankfulness to be in the position that I am has LEAD me to sacrifice the things I love to ensure that the kids I serve can continue to attend school in person if their parents have chosen that option. My level of thankfulness to serve in a leadership capacity at my church has LEAD me to sacrifice my personal desires for the members (30% or less of capacity; socially distant; and following all state and CDC guidelines for houses of worship) that look forward to attending in person to hear a message of Good News every Sunday. My level of thankfulness for having a beautiful wife and kids has LEAD me to sacrifice by isolating myself from all the things I love to do to ensure that I am keeping them safe. My thankfulness has LEAD me to think about the families of my colleagues, my neighbor that I may pass on my morning or evening walks as we both walk our dogs, and my fellows brothers and sisters that I don’t know, and apply personal sacrifices to my life for them.
However you celebrate, or if you don’t celebrate during this season at all, I implore you to love on the family in your house, reflect on the bright spots of 2020 that bring a smile to your face, and be hopeful that the future brings greatness to all around you.
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